When Taking Over a New Team, Tactic #1 is…

One of my friends and clients recently began a new head coaching job at an NAIA school. We discussed his first few days on the job and how he could make a great first impression. We agreed that the first rule of thumb for any leader beginning with a new team is to create a communication group for daily chat and information sharing (SportsYou, Band, etc.) This group should serve as a platform for exchanging information and as a means of building connections. Beginning the connection process should be one of the top priorities for any leader starting with a new team.

"How long have you been able to meet with the team?”, I asked.

"Only about 15 minutes yesterday morning before I was officially introduced. We will have our first team meeting in three days."

"I don't think we should wait three days to start bonding. I suggest creating your communication group and have an assignment for all to introduce themselves by posting the youngest picture they can find of themselves playing football. A little league pic. for example."

"I like it. I will also have the coaches participate as well. We will do this today."

The text I received the next day was, "The group chat is blowing up with pictures and laughs!"

Teams should be constructed in the same way that families are fortified - through intentional efforts. When you take over your next team or are looking for something to bind your guys together with your current group, you only need to have them share pics from their childhood. We all love those, and your players of any age will also.


What to Say to Your Team After a Big Loss